Introduction by Caroline Haines Detective Superintendent Local Investigations
I write this fresh from my return to work after almost 2 years away! For those who don’t know me, I was formerly in charge of Local Investigations, which I left in the capable hands of Dave Courcha while I have been away on Maternity leave. I am delighted to be back and taking up my old post and Dave has now moved across to Safeguarding.
Well, my first week back was interesting. So much has changed in my time away, so many new faces and new procedures. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me as things never stay the same. I have been genuinely impressed with how focussed everyone is on our priorities and the commitment and professionalism shown by everyone I have met so far.
The continued drive across the MPS in the fight against violent crime means that many of you have been working flat out on this as a priority. Since I have been back I have been struck by the focus on this and the energy displayed by so many teams. I really am very impressed.
Another big thing since my return is the refurbishment of Islington Police Station. I think it looks amazing! I am really looking forward to the time when everyone due to move there is together in the same building, obviously we need to do that in a safe way but I am genuinely excited at the prospect of working in such a modern environment that is built with our future in mind. I hope you will be too. We will keep you updated as to the progress of the moves.
For those of you that have some time off this weekend, the weather is looking good and I hope you get a chance to rest and enjoy it. For those who don’t, stay safe and thank you for everything you are doing.
Hopefully see you in person at some stage soon.
Safer Neighbourhoods and Partnerships
- Officers from NPT and Street duties have recently carried out some pro-active work in and around Camden town to combat drug related ASB. The operation resulted in 6 arrests, including for Possession With Intent to supply and possession of drugs. There have also been 2 Postal Charges, 6 written warning CPN issued, 3 full CPN’s and 2 s23 Warrant applications.
They were also able to locate and offer assistance to one juvenile who showed several signs of falling victim to grooming. His mother has been given his schools officer’s details, her local authority contact details and even her MP should she need it. They also referred the male to YOTS, as well as notifying their local SNT team.
Security from the market stated that there had been a stark decrease in activity during the operation.
- NPT officers have recently worked in partnership with staff from Camden Council carrying out Hotspot patrols. A CPN was issued to one male for ASB. The male breached the CPN multiple times and was arrested and charged with breaching 5 times and indecent exposure. While on bail for these offences he was seen to be breaching his conditions again. He was again arrested and charged. Upon appearing in court he was sentenced to 22 weeks in prison.
- In June PC Bigland and PC England attended a cancer ward to report a spate of thefts from patients. Items of property were going missing while patients were receiving treatment. A student nurse was identified as a suspect, arrested and interviewed. Sufficient evidence was gathered by the officers to secure a charge. The suspect recently appeared at court and plead guilty to the theft.
- In August officers from A team attended reports of male that was trying to commit suicide. While on route a second call came in from a member of the public who stated the male had stabbed himself. PCs Richard Keel, Treve Beckerleg, Craig Laing, and Darren Emanuel attended initially and were met by a 15 year old boy who told them that he had seen a male stab himself in the throat. As they entered the block they found the victim with a large carving knife protruding from his neck and it was clear that he had a catastrophic bleed. The officers immediately gave first aid which was made all the more difficult, as the male withdrew the knife from his neck as they approached. Using only field dressings they managed to slow the bleeding until the arrival of a Trojan medic who provided further treatment before HEMS and LAS attended.
It took around nearly one hour to get the victim to a position where he could be moved, and he was then taken to hospital.
The Trojan medic made the point of commenting that the initial first aid from the PC’s on scene was so good that he did not have to alter or add any further techniques and simply continued with the treatment that they began. The casualty had a catastrophic bleed into his airway and had lost so much blood that it was not sure if he would survive. The male was taken to hospital, had surgery and fortunately lived. It was the help from the 15 year old boy leading officers to the male and the initial first aid of PC Beckerleg, Laing, Keel and Emmanuel that undoubtedly saved this man’s life.
- PC Rihannon West recently received an email of thanks from the mother of a woman she dealt with. Police had been called after the woman was believed to be self-harming. She was very distressed and PC West was praised for the calm way she dealt with her and the empathy she showed. The mother and daughter both felt supported by PC West’s actions during their interactions with her.
- Over the bank holiday weekend serials of officers were posted out on patrol. One of these stopped and searched a male they suspected may be dealing drugs. He was found to have 49 wraps of suspected crack cocaine and 12 wraps of suspected heroin. He was arrested for PWITS.